League Patch 11.8 Notes Review - Everything You Need To Know


multiplayer game


LOL patch 11.8 notes are available and includes all the information regarding the Apr. 14 update. This includes the new champion 155th Gwen and the brand new "Blackfrost", "Dragonslayer" skins, Rammus buffs, and many other details.

The game's creator Mark Yetter has been looking at 11.8 LoL Patch Review that will comprise "broadening the enchanter's items" in addition to adding more characters to the jungle. Riot's team has brought the in "another round" of champs to the pool of jungle characters, including Darius and Mordekaiser and Morgana. There are also regular mid-lane players like Diana, Zed, and Zed. This move will be shipped along with a move that "shifts several champs [backto their original positions" to their favorite places. Gwen will also officially be available next week. Riot will release more than dozen skins, including "Dragonslayer" and more cosmetics , and dark "Blackfrost," skins for Sion and Vel'Koz.

What's coming in LOL patch 11.8?

Gwen is set to make her debut

There was rumor that the next champion to join League of Legends would be Isolde the wife of Viego. Gwen, one her creations is the new champion.

Gwen believes that each moment is precious. She takes every action with a purpose. She is separated from Isolde She wanders through Runeterra looking for happiness, and assists those who are in need. "Tragedy ripped them apart, sending the doll to sink beneath the sea, and causing sorrow. It was a long time. The doll was not deterred; she knew love would find her again." Gwen is available on the LoL PBE testing servers right now.

Rammus mini-rework rolls into the Rift

Riot is looking to revamp other champions in League Season 11 to bring them up to date. The top of the list? Rammus with the set of junglers will receive the new set in 2021.

LoL players got their first glimpse of the Rammus overhaul via mobile game clone Wild Rift. Leroy "Sirhaian" Kevin has been working on a gameplay update that includes overhauls to Rammus’ skins and kit.

The most significant change is his ultimate. The new name is Soaring Slam, Rammus gets some hang time before slamming back into the ground and creating tremors. This new, more mobile engagement opportunity could see the tank re-enter into the meta.



Roaming is possible for non-jungle champs

Riot has been playing around with League's jungle and the champions that take over the role for quite some time.

In Season 10, they tried to make the multiplayer game "appealing" by expanding the range of champions. The changes didn't work out, or they were not made accessible for live servers.

They're hoping to stick it in Season 11. Riot has five champions in its sights in 11.8 lol patch review, to move them out of the lane and into the forest: Darius and Diana, Mordekaiser and Morgana.

New Blackfrost, Dragonslayer skins

Four different skin lines will get new skins in this update? new champion Gwen will finally get her legendary "Space Groove" skin, and Sion and Vel'Koz will get "Blackfrost" skins. Galio as well as Twitch will also receive dragon-themed outfits.